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Super crisp and nice M1861 contract rifled musket, .58 caliber, as manufactured by J.T. Hodge and A.M. Burton at the Trenton Locomotive and Machine Company of Trenton, New Jersey in 1863.  Only 11,495 weapons of this type were ever manufactured in 1863 and 1864.  This scarce contract is even more rare as it has the proof mark of Louisiana (T with a star, for Tibidoux, an arms agent in New Orleans) found on both Confederate weapons and those issued after the Union occupation in Louisiana.  The weapon surfaced in an estate in upper New York so it could have been a war souvenir or used by a Union soldier who served in the deep South.  Either way, this is a scarce museum grade firearm which is totally unmolested--and has a fine bore and crisp action!  The stock markings are near flawless....

US M1861 rifled musket by Trenton, 1863, LOUISIANA MARKED!

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